

The new railway connection as an opportunity for sustainable economic development, geared towards the tourism potential of the common border region

EU Program / Principal / Funder etc.:
Interreg SLOVENIJA - AVSTRIJA 2021-2027

Project lifespan:
2024 - 2027

About project:

This project is designed to address the specific challenges of tourism and leisure mobility in this border region. 
The project area of the Karawanken-Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark has a high density of recreational and tourist activities. However, this has led to an increase in motorized individual traffic in order to access the available offerings. In recent years, both sides of the border have made efforts to expand public mobility structures, but these have been limited to the responsibilities of national administrative structures, which are not coordinated with one another and fail to fully cover the outstanding bilateral touristical and natural potential for both locals and tourists.
With the planned opening of the Koralm Railway, a future increase in the need for "public transport connections" is to be expected. This will lead to a bilateral mobility demand that will bridge the gap between both sides of the border – on the one hand through a continuous cross-border bus connection, the "Geopark Hiking Bus," and on the other hand through the development of cross-border mobility points. These measures will be maintained by both "public transport partners" even after the project's completion and will be further developed in close coordination with tourism. The main aim of this pilot measure of the project is to facilitate and simplify the implementation of similar solutions in other border regions, serving as a practical example. The experiences generated by the project should strengthen bilateral cooperation and encourage a shift towards public transport.
An essential aspect is that the pilot measures on both sides of the border are integrated into the respective national line systems and that the existing connections on both sides are harmonized in a bilateral context. Furthermore, the project will ensure optimal connectivity between the tourism offerings in the project area and the Koralm Railway.
The innovation of the project lies in the establishment of a bilateral public mobility solution, including additional last-mile solutions, and in the cooperation between public transport operators and tourism.

Project leader:

 Luka Mladenovič PhD, Arhitecture 
+386 (0)1 420 13 00 int. 43


Urban Planning institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Trnovski pristan 2
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00
  + 386 (0)1 420 13 10


Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00
Tuesdays also: 15.00 – 17.00
Summer, July–August:
Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00 ext. 31


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