
Brina Meze Petrić

MArch, (Master of Architecture)

Phone: +386 (0)1 420 13 00 int. 40

Research themes

  • Dostopnost grajenega in komunikacijskega okolja za osebe z oviranostmi


Brina Meze-Petrić is a research architect, fiber and collage artist, and 3D designer. She studied architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria, where she obtained her bachelor's (2017) and master's degrees (2020). During her studies, she explored topics such as art censorship, art dealership, migration of people and wheat to Sicily, architecture of the commons, and concepts of social housing design. For her master's thesis "Ljubljana: A Look Back to Look Ahead - Parameters for the Value of Space," under the guidance of supervisors Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Arch. Michelle Howard and Mag. Dr. Andreas Spiegel, Brina investigated the relations between urban space, subcultures, politics, economy, and DIY architecture. Through the analysis of urban squats, particularly Ljubljana's AKC Metelkova Mesto and AC Rog, she questioned common political-economic parameters for evaluating financially non-profitable urban areas. Her thoughts and conclusions were presented as an assemblage and performance at the Alkatraz Gallery in Ljubljana. After completing her studies, she worked as architectural designer, wrote architectural articles, engaged in 3D design and animation, and researched AI tools. She has exhibited individual and collaborative works at the Ars Electronica Festival (2015, Linz, AT), Dechanastrasse Gallery (2019, Bremen, D), Volkskundemuseum (2019, Vienna, AT), and Cukrarna (2023, Ljubljana, SLO). Since May 2024, she has been working at the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia as a researcher, focusing on the universal accessibility of the built environment.


Urban Planning institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Trnovski pristan 2
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00
  + 386 (0)1 420 13 10


Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00
Tuesdays also: 15.00 – 17.00
Summer, July–August:
Monday to Friday: 9.00 – 13.00

  + 386 (0)1 420 13 00 ext. 31


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